Hera VRPO Professionals

HERA vacant property registry ordinance (“VPRO”) professionals are highly trained in the vacant property registration process. We pride ourselves in providing the highest level of customer service to our clients, helping them navigate the VPO process from A-Z. Through various partnerships, Hera has hundreds of support staff with resources and offices across the nation.


CJ Johnson

CJ is one of the nation’s most experienced attorneys in vacant property registration and is Of Counsel with Milberg through a partnership with his law firm, Break Point Law, LLC. CJ was formerly General Counsel for a nationwide vacant property registration provider, where he assisted municipalities across the country with the implementation and maintenance of their vacant property registration programs. CJ has collected millions of dollars in outstanding property registration fees and penalties from banks and loan servicers for his local government clients. CJ also worked in the drafting of New Jersey's foreclosed property registration statute.

Stan Urban Headshot

Stan Urban

Stan Urban holds the position of National Government Affairs Coordinator and National Sales Manager at HERA. He has 20+ years of experience serving as an elected municipal official, municipal administrator, and Illinois Exclusive Lobbyist. Throughout his career, Stan has played a key role in developing blighted property registration programs for multiple municipalities.

Kevin Sidella profile picture

Kevin Sidella

Kevin Sidella has over 20 years of experience working in municipalities and is now serving as HERA’s National Municipal Consultant. He has successfully implemented property registration programs in more than a hundred municipalities across the country.

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